A Reformation of Clarity

The Perfecting Covenant-Prevailing Connection comes to fulfill the mandate of Jesus to perfect the Body of Christ until we all come into the unity of the faith. We believe this is to be accomplished through a method of networking.

A Global Impact

PCPC connects skillful and effective leaders from across the world that will propagate a proficient laity, thereby fortifying the church body as a whole.

Commitment to Clarity

The P.C.P.C. comes to bring clarity and substantiate the fact that all of these gifts are definitely still in full operation today in the universal Body of Christ.


This Connection comes to as an ecclesiastical covering to provide direct general oversight, accountability and responsibility for the ministerial and church body.


The Perfecting Covenant Prevailing Connection (PCPC)

“Christ  Dominion  City Kingdom Church  Of The Reformation” 

The Perfecting Covenant Prevailing Connection( PCPC) is a  Five-Fold Ministry birthed by God into the spirit of Bishop Julia E.W. Wade, for the purpose of linking together those who are called of God to unite in strengthening the universal Body of Christ.  It does not come to function as another church convention or organization. It comes rather, to fulfill the mandate of Jesus to perfect the Body of Christ until we all come into the unity of the faith.

Birthed by God 

(PCPC) is a ministry birthed by God into the spirit of the Apostle woman, Bishop Julia Wade for the purpose of linking together those who are the called of God to unite in strengthening the universal Body of Christ.

Our Events

We have three annual events

Annual Holy Convocation

Convenes in the month of May 13th-16th - 2025 / Apopka, FL

Annual Holy Congress

Convenes in November – Wed 20th - Sat 23rd - 2024. prior to Thanksgiving /St. Louis, MO.

Annual Holy Conclave

Annual Holy Conclave – convenes in Georgia – February 19th- 21st - 2025

Latest Live Service!

Being Rapture Ready Season IV


Ephesians 4:11-13

And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; 12For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: 13Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.”


PCPC has been a good experience. I have been strengthen

Membership Has Its Privileges.

Apostolic overseer andrew t. wade

Apostolic Overseer Andrew Wade has served in the Full Gospel Churches and Evangelistic Ministries in the ascension gift offices of Pastor, Teacher, Evangelist, and Missionary for over 34 years. Saved and filled with the Holy Spirit while in college at an all-night prayer meeting, Overseer Wade has been on fire for the Lord ever since. As a God-called anointed Evangelist, Overseer Wade founded and established “Onesimus Evangelistic Ministries.” Through this ministry, he has assisted in conducting and attending convocations, conferences, revivals, and crusades throughout the United States and into foreign countries such as Nigeria, Africa, Jamaica, South America, and  Korea to minister to crowds of more than 500,000 people. Overseer Wade has spent many hours in the local and state prisons.  In 1999, God enlarged the ministry vision and changed its name to the “Seventh Seal Commission Center for Deliverance and World Evangelism.” Overseer Wade holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Florida.  He is also a graduate of the Nazarene and United Bible College three-year Ministerial course study. He retired from the Orlando Police Department as its longest-serving Senior Chaplain.  He is a proud father of six, grandfather, and the priestly husband of Bishop Julia Wade.